The purpose of this Web site is to make early documents of the Catholic Counter-Reformation (i.e., documents opposed to the reforms wrought by the Second Vatican Council) available to those who, for whatever reason, did not have access to them at the time they were published. Most of the documents offered are out of print, although limited quantities may be available from obscure sources (see, for example, "Info About Fortes in Fide" on the Home Page).

It is called the FORTES IN FIDE Home Page because the principal emphasis is on making old issues of FORTES IN FIDE (the English catechetical review published by Rev. Noel Barbara of France from 1975-1993) available; but other classic works of Traditionalist Catholics are already included, and more may be offered in the future.

The FORTES IN FIDE files and others detail the destruction of the Mass and other sacraments, discuss selected areas of sacramental theology, review traditional speculation on infallibility as it relates to the papacy, and document the collapse of the Catholic Church after Vatican II. Still other articles deal with Catholic prophecy, spirituality and many other interesting topics. A few graphics images are also presented.

To conserve disk space and to facilitate file transfers, most files (with the ".zip" extension) have been compressed using the program "pkzip" by PKWARE, Inc., which is the MS-DOS/Windows standard for file compression and expansion.


If you connect to their site by clicking on the name or graphic above, you will be able to obtain a shareware version of their program which will "unzip" the files on this site. I STRONGLY recommend that you buy a registered version of their software after an appropriate trial period.

All graphics files are in the .tif format, except for the smaller .gif or .jpg versions used for Web browser display. However, these files can be provided to you in virtually any other format upon specific request.

Articles by individuals that relate to the religious topics covered at this site are welcome provided they are thoughtfully and non-abrasively written. Please email your articles or requests for any special file formats to or click on the line below.



The files offered on this site are ORIGINAL in the sense that THEY HAVE NOT BEEN OBTAINED FROM ANY OTHER SITE ON THE INTERNET. Each and every file has been derived from printed material in the site operator's possession. In the case of more important files, permission has been obtained from the author for Internet release of the file.

Visitors to this site may notice that some of the files available here may appear on other sites, possibly with the same APPARENT substance, WITH OR WITHOUT the same file name. Technology being what it is today, you must understand that all of the files on this site are easily capable of being transferred to other sites and modified. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE that files originating here but obtained from other sites have not been modified to reflect the particular site operator's bias in various matters.

In the case of many files available on this site (FORTES IN FIDE files and files by Patrick Henry Omlor in particular), subsequent tampering could affect the religious meaning and be potentially harmful to the Faith. I want to assure you that all of the files on this FORTES IN FIDE site are COMPLETELY faithful to the originals in SUBSTANCE, and differ from the originals only in FORMAT (due to the limitations of ASCII). If anyone should discover ANY seeming error in ANY file, I would appreciate your advising me so that I can check MY Internet version with the original.

Nothing on this site is believed subject to copyright laws. In some cases, there never was a copyright. In others, permission from the author to release the file on the Internet has been obtained. In still others, the copyright should have long expired. The site operator does not believe in imposing an "electronic copyright" (the validity of which is extremely dubious in any event) on material not of his own composition.

All material on this site may be freely distributed, and in the case of text files, may be offered on other sites PROVIDED THAT the files are not modified in any way. They must particularly retain my source notice ("Printed Form-to-ASCII conversion, etc.") near the beginning of each file). The subsequent site operator may attest that the file has not been modified and add a description of the purpose of his/her own site as a secondary source.

I CANNOT and WILL NOT be liable for damages of any type (but I am more concerned over spiritual damages) resulting from the offering of files obtained from this site by others which may subsequently be modified. If you have doubts about the authenticity of any of my files, please contact me.

James E. McNally, Jr.

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