Church and Synagogue
Because of the New Ordo......
     The Sacrifice of the Mass is the Church's Prayer to God.  "What a glorious spectacle for Heaven & earth, is the Church at Prayer". (Pope Pius XI)
     Daily, the Church, in obedience to Her Founder's Command, continued the priestly Mission of Jesus Christ mainly by means of the Sacred Liturgy, the Propitiatory Sacrifice.
     She did this by Offering to God, All Good & Great, the daily tribute of Her Prayer of Praise.  For centuries without interruption, from midnight to midnight the Divine Psalmody of the inspired Canticles was repeated on earth; there was no hour of the day that was not hallowed by this special Liturgy; there was no stage of human Life that had not its part in the thanksgiving, praise, supplication & reparation of this Common Prayer of the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church, where at the Altar, the Sacrifice of the Cross was constantly renewed by the Priest acting in Persona Christi.
     God Himself Wills His Church to be constantly at Prayer, that there should be the CONTINUATION of the SACRIFICE OF CALVARY "from the rising of the sun until the going down thereon" so that there may be no cessation of this Universal Prayer, this Hymn of Praise & Thanksgiving - the Offering of the Propitiatory Sacrifice which mankind owes to God.
     To suppress the Continual Sacrifice of the Cross is to make it impossible for God's Church to be at Prayer.  The New Ordo of Paul 6, which SUPPRESSED the Eucharistic Sacrifice, has brought an end to the Church's daily Hymn of Praise & Thanksgiving - the daily Offering of the Propitiatory Sacrifice.  SO THE CHURCH NO LONGER IS AT PRAYER.  Should not Catholics take note of this terrifying situation?  Be worried?  Up in arms?
     "O, come now," is the retort of the members of the V-2 counter church.  "We have a replacement for the Old Mass - the Church is still at prayer we have the New Ordo."  They do indeed have a replacement - but is it the Prayer of the Church given to us by Christ?  Let us put the New Ordo to the acid test.
     We have before us a New Ordo Book published in 1970.  Though it is red-covered, it is not thick in size and heavy as the Genuine Roman Mass Missal but the compiler had the audacity to plagiarize the title,"The Roman Missal," adding that the Missal was "revised by decree of the 2nd Vatican Council and published by authority of Pope Paul VI."  We have examined this hideous book of the V-2 counter-church that purports to give Catholics a "New Order of the Mass."  Its pages are well-worn, giving evidence of much use.  How tragic.
     We also have before us "A Critical Study [Condemnation] of the New Order of the Mass (Novus Ordo Missae), by a group of Roman Theologians, containing a covering letter from Cardinal Ottaviani and presented to Paul 6 on Sept. 25, 1969, the day before his 72nd birthday.  What a beaut of a birthday present that must have been; this detailed point-by-point condemning of his beloved Novus Ordo horror.  The Cardinal had been head of the Roman Curia, the governing body of the Vatican, the time John 23 received his satanic "impulse" to call the V-2 Council in 1959 at the behest of Jules Isaac and other Jews. (See Poncin, Judaism and the Vatican; Look, 1-25-66; Veritas, "V-2 Betrayer of Christ.")
     It is the Cardinal who, as Head of the Curia, protested to John 23 that the calling of a Council at that time would open the door to a flood of heresies.  This fear of a Council implies his awareness of the Jewish-Masonic domineering influence inside the Church and the great danger their presence posed for the Faith.  Undoubtedly he also knew of the boastful threat of the Jew-Masonic Alta Vendita to seat one of their own in the Holy Chair at the next election to force the dismantling of the Church and the demolition of the Faith.  He would surely know the tragic consequences if the enemy gained control of the Church, which could happen at a Council.  AND DID.
     About this ghastly state of affairs no Church official publicly alerted the Bishops who, for the most part, walked cold into the beastly jaws of V-2.  And no one thought to alert the laity or appeal to them for help, for fear of scandal.
     This is the same blind-spot carried over to the "Critical Study of the New Ordo": its failure to identify the Jewish perfidy at the heart of the Novus Ordo.  The Jewish background of Paul 6 and his repeated compromising of the Faith prior to his grab of the Papal Chair could not have escaped the attention of Cardinal Ottaviani and others in the Vatican and throughout Rome.  His biographers reveal the man Montini was despised among the Roman clergy.
     The "Critical Study" would have you believe the Protestants are to blame, that the purpose behind the Novus Ordo is to "protestantize the Mass."  The Mass has been under incessant attack for 2,000 years.  It is the Jews who, today as yesteryear, constantly work to tear from the Mass and Catholic teaching the Dogmas of our Faith.  Under their influence Protestantism was born in the 16th century.  It is Jew-Masonry that keeps Protestantism alive still today.
     The fear of scandalizing the Faithful, were it let out that the Church had fallen into the hands of the enemies of Christ, cannot be justified.  It is gravely sinful to keep silent while the spiritual welfare of millions of souls stands endangered.
     In spite of its silence, the scandal the Curia feared has come, reaching to the very Chair of Peter.  Because the bulk of Catholics still do not know the great harm done to the Church is caused by the Jews and Freemasonry, the people invent excuses for Paul 6.  Seeing that his actions are those of an unbeliever but not being able to understand that he is in fact precisely that - an unbeliever - the people pretend Paul 6 is drugged, or plastic, or a prisoner, and other hokum peddled by false visionaries.  Those who prepared the "Critical Study" should write a sequel to fill out the blind spots, supply the missing link as to why and by whom the Prayer of the Church is SUPPRESSED.  And it was quiet in Heaven - as if for half an hour.
     We have a third document also before us.  It is the Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XII on the SACRED LITURGY, MEDIATOR DEI, issued Nov. 20, 1947, in the 9th year of his Pontificate, which was used as a source material for the "Critical Study."
     It is from these 3 source materials that we will chiefly draw for this brief study of the infamous New Ordo of Paul 6 that has interrupted the Church's daily Prayer.
     We open the unholy book of the New Ordo to be instantly confronted with falsifications... hostile changes... prejudicial omissions... repudiated truths... mischievous novelties of impiety and profanity: the marks of the counter-church that substitutes and exchanges things that belong in one place to some other place or cruelly suppresses them totally.
     The first thing in the book that meets your eye is a drawing showing a dining table in place of the Altar and Tabernacle.  ON each side of the table stands catafalque candles used by the Apostolic Catholic Church for funerals.
     In such novel fashion the New Ordo of the V-2 counter-church begins, with a dining table and funeral candles.  The implications are obvious.  The funeral candles convey the message that our God is dead and they are holding a wake for Him.  The New Ordo manifests joy that Christ is dead and gone - this is the unholy message they are bringing to Catholics.
     Tables are for eating, whereas the ALTAR requires a VICTIM; a SACRIFICE, an OBLATION.  Paul 6 has suppressed the Altar, the Consecration of portable Altars, the use of Sacred stone and relics.  On the ALTAR sat the Tabernacle, out of place on the table.  Pope Pius XII said: "To separate the Tabernacle from the Altar is tantamount to separating two things which, of their very Nature, must remain together". (Allocution, Sept. 18-23,1956: see Mediator Dei.)
     The Altar is suppressed because the Altars PRIMARY FUNCTION HAS BEEN ABANDONED.  On the Altar the Sacrifice of the Cross is Renewed; ON THAT TABLE A "SUPPER" is served.  What goes on AT THAT TABLE IS NOT WHAT OCCURRED AT THE ALTAR OF GOD.
     Role of Priest Subordinated - The table not only opposes the Altar but it also sets the people against the priest, who no longer is permitted to act in the PERSON OF CHRIST NOR IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE.  Rather than the CONSECRATING PRIEST REPRESENTING CHRIST, he is now a brother of the people and must give way to the people whom the New Ordo vests with sacerdotal power - thus suppressing the PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST.
     This downgrading of the Priesthood flows from the N.O. stripping Christ of His Divinity, reducing Him to our "brother."  With Christ's status reduced, so too must His Priests also have inferior and subordinated status in the N.O. as disguised by the title "president of the assembly."  The Priest no longer has a unique role higher than that of the people.
     "AT THE ALTAR the Priest as MINISTER of Christ is inferior to Christ but superior to the people.  The people, since they in no sense represent the DIVINE REDEEMER and are not a mediator between themselves and God can in no way possess the sacerdotal power." (Mediator Dei)
     The changed role of the Priest is MEANT TO FRUSTRATE his Priestly power, rendering him powerless to consecrate or administer SACRAMENTS.  As the "Critical Study" points out, "not a word is found as to the Priest's POWER TO SACRIFICE, OR ABOUT HIS CONSECRATION, the bringing about through him of the Eucharistic Presence."
     The priest comes to that abominable table in his changed role as president of the assembly, greeting the people as their brother.  Since that table prevents his "going to the Altar of God," Psalm 42 has been suppressed along with God's Altar.
     Confiteor - In the Confiteor, which is "collective" in the New Ordo, the priest is no longer judge, witness and intercessor with God; the priest is no longer empowered to give the absolution, which has been suppressed.  The Church is NOT presented as a Sacred Hierarchy in the first part and Angels and Saints are reduced to anonymity in the second part of the "collective" N.O. "confiteor": they have disappeared as witnesses and judges, in the person of St. Michael, and the people don't confess to the Mother of God, etc. but to each other.
     No Invocation of Martyrs - Due to the absence of the Altar with its Relics, and the presence of the table, the New Ordo omits the prayer of the priest invoking the intercession of the martyrs whose relics were sealed in the Altar.  Christ Himself has been reduced to a martyr.  The "Critical Study" states, "We note in passing an incredible innovation - the Good Friday Liturgy in red vestments instead of black - the commemoration of any martyr instead of the mourning of the whole Church for Her Founder."
     Preface - The Preface has been changed.  With the dumping of the Latin - the Church's language that maintained reverence toward God and preserved unity in worship - the unblushing vernacular introduces the vulgar "you" and "yours" in place of "Thee, Thy, Thou, Thine" in addressing the Divinity.  As many subscribers have remarked, "It's like talking to God, or across as equals."  The Preface to the Holy Trinity, which the Apostolic Church insists must be read every Sunday except for special occasions such as Christmas and Easter, is now to be read only once a year - with changed wording.  Paul 6 does not want to do what the Apostolic Church does; he does not wish to speak in the language of the Church.  He disobeys the Apostolic Church because he does not believe in Christ nor the Blessed Trinity.
     Credo - In the N.O. Credo (when it is said) the personal pronoun "I" is changed to the collective "we."  This New Ordo "profession of faith" is an inaccurately stated, jumbled version of the Nicene Creed.  For example, "We believe in our Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father," implying that God is still in the stage of continuous evolution.  This is heresy.  Christ Is Begotten only once, not eternally.  He subsists co-eternally.
     The Apostles and early Fathers of the Church (Saints Ireneus, Athanasius, John Chrysostom, et al) combatted such Jewish heresy in the 1st centuries of the Church. (See "Mini-history of the Church," Veritas, July-October 1975, pp. 5ff.)  All heresies concerning Christ stem basically from rabbinic-Kabbalah-Arcane gnosticism.  Such heretics concerning the Holy Trinity branch out into Arianism, Nestorianism, Protestantism and have finally culminated in the New Ordo of Paul 6 and V-2, with their false doctrines cruelly imposed upon the Catholic world.
     Real Presence Repudiated - In the N.O., says the "Critical Study", the Real Presence is repudiated.  Christ's Real Presence is excluded, although a symbolic presence is asserted by the directive of the N.O.
     This directive focuses on a misinterpretation and misapplication of Christ's Words: "For where there are two or three gathered together in My Name, there AM I in the midst of them" - interpreting this to mean the presence of the people is the indispensable element to the saying of the New Ordo, otherwise Christ is not present, thus repudiating the priesthood and the Red Presence of Christ.  It is the consecrated Apostolic Catholic priest at the Altar who is indispensable if the Real Presence is to come down upon the altar of Sacrifice.
     While it is true that Christ promised to be present at gatherings in His Name, the Apostolic Church teaches that it is not at any and every get-together that people may feel impelled to hold, where Christ is present.  The Church teaches that only official assemblies is meant and these most assuredly must not be anti-Catholic in nature, as is the N.O.
     When Christ spoke verse 20 He was speaking of the administration of His Church and Her ministering of the Sacraments.  This is evident by reading the cited passage with its 2 preceding passages (Matt. 18:18-20).  These passages must be taken together to gain the sense of Christ's Words.
St Cyprian says of verse 20: "This is understood of such assemblies only as are gathered in the Name and Authority of Christ and in the Unity of the Church of Christ". (De Unitate Ecclesiae; see FN to verse 20, pg. 21 of N.T., Douay Bible)
     The Luciferian N.O. falsifies Christ's Words.  Since the N.O. bears no resemblance to what Christ spoke, or instituted, it cannot in any way be called an official assembly.  Inasmuch as the New Ordo repudiates the Truths proclaimed in the Propitiatory Sacrifice (the Prayer of the Church), the V-2 "assembly" in no way is a gathering in the Unity of Christ's Church and consequently Christ is not amongst that wicked assembly of the N.O. which denies His Truths, the Word of God.  Christ would not be present amongst the assembly of the New Ordo which spits in the face of the Triune Godhead.  Christ is not with heretics and apostates.
     Even at official gatherings in the Unity of the Church, apart from the Sacrifice of the Mass, the Presence of Christ is Spiritual, unlike the unique Real presence in the Eucharistic sacrifice where the whole Christ - Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity - is present upon the Altar, in consecrated Hosts in the Tabernacle, in the Bread of Angels received in Holy Communion from the consecrated hands of the Apostolic priest of Christ.
     To substitute something else in place of the Real Presence is grossest insult to our Redeemer, yet this is the terrible outrage done to Christ in the N.O.  And His priests (in all ranks of the clergy) are not only allowing this New Ordo contempt but are defending it and participating in it, including your parish priests.  Christ's priests to a man should be up in arms vigorously opposing, not excusing and supporting, the sacrilegeous N.O. which robs priests of the power and grace of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
     With out the REAL PRESENCE THERE CAN BE NO SACRIFICE OF THE MASS, NOR CAN THERE BE ANY APPLICATION of the Fruits of the Bloody Sacrifice of the Cross which need to be applied daily to our sins.  If the N.O. will not have Christ it will have Antichrist.  Where Christ is excluded, Satan is present.
     To teach that "the assembly," is the indispensable element in the liturgy, rather than the priest acting in Persona Christi, is blasphemy.  It is the sin of satanic pride; it is worship of idols, for it sots up man as a god worthy to be worshipped as God, as is done in the New Ordo.
     Repudiation of the Real Presence is manifest in the N.O. definition of the Mass.  In the directive, Paul 6 calls it a mere "supper."  His liturgy is restricted to a "supper," a term constantly repeated...  a "supper"... a "memorial."  This is anti-Catholic.
     This is opposed to the intent of Christ.  The Sacrifice of the Mass was established by Christ to be a reenactment of His Supreme Sacrifice of the Cross.  It must be in the same way - in "anamnesis of Me," which cannot be translated by "memoria" or "remembrance" or "supper."
     Christ Instituted the HOLY EUCHARIST at the Last Supper, a few hours before His betrayal; and IT is inseparably linked to the events that immediately followed.  The "supper" of the N.O. separates the 2 events.  It was at the Last Supper when Christ gave His Body and Blood, there and then, the NEW PASCH, with solemn rite and ceremony, to provide for the continuance of His Sacrifice of the Cross.
     The Apostles who became Priests that Holy Thursday night received the Body and Blood of Christ, and Christ commanded them and their successors in the priesthood to make the same Offering to the Father until the end of time.  He signed and sealed this NEW TESTAMENT, HIS WILL, WITH HIS MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD.
     On the morrow, lifted up between heaven and earth, He - the Saving Victim - offers the Saving Sacrifice of His Life, and pours forth from His pierced Heart the Sacraments destined to impart the treasures of Redemption to the souls of men.  "Do this in anamnesis of Me," that is, operating now.  Thus He did not leave us orphans.  He left us the Covenant of the Sanctuary, abandoned by Paul 6 and his New Order of things.
     The N.O.'s repudiation of the Real Presence is liturgical apostasy.  We learn more of this denial of the Real Presence in the N.O., with its symbolic presence, from the words of Paul 6:
     "In this Sacrament the Lord presents Himself to us not as He is but as He wishes us to consider Him, and He wishes us to approach Him.  He offers Himself to us under the aspects of expressive signs which He Himself chose.  It is as if He said: look at Me in this way, get to know Me like this.  The signs of bread and wine are to tell you what I wish to be for you.  He speaks to us by means of these signs, and tells us: This is how I am amongst you now... under these significant forms.  (The Real but spiritual Presence of Christ) flows from out from the Real Presence which is symbolically expressed in the Eucharist...  Why two foods, bread and wine?  In order to give the Eucharist the significance and the reality of flesh and blood, that is of sacrifice, of being a figure and a renewal of Jesus' Death on the Cross...  Why this symbolism?" (Speech of May 28,1070, in the Church of Our Lady of Hope in Rome.)
     We see here that his N.O. represents a complete apostasy from the Dogma of the Physical and Substantial Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Transubstantiated Species as understood by the Holy Fathers of the Church and solemnly confirmed as Dogmatic Truths in the Councils of Constance and Trent.  Paul 6 says everything the Church says must not be said.
     The Dogmatic Council of Trent declares "If any one saith, that, in the sacred and holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, the substance of the bread and wine are not contained Truly, Really and Substantially, the Body and Blood together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the Whole Christ; but saith that HE is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; LET HIM BE ANATHEMA." (Sess. XIII, ch. 1.)
     That is why the Canon of the Mass was SUPPRESSED and so-called "Eucharistic Prayers" substituted in the N.O. of Paul 6.
     New Mystery of Faith - For a liturgy that begins with a dinner table and funeral candles, where the priest is demoted to a president and the people have become as gods, you can expect that by the time the New Ordo advances to the "consecration" it too will be novel, different, a doozy hurling more insults to God.  Sure enough.  The formulae of the Consecration, the Heart of the Mass of Sacrifice, becomes a lippy historical singsong narrative babbled to God the Father.
     IN the historical narrative No transubstantiation is asked for, so none occurs.  In taking out the words "mysterium fidei" there is no immediate confession of the president's faith in the Mystery realized by the Church through the hierarchial priesthood.  Therefore, the president does not consecrate and so the bread and wine remain unchanged.  No miracle can occur.  No Real Presence is sought nor brought about.
     The little sheep seem not to notice the dreadful difference, but prattle the new and false "mystery of faith" the president prompts them to acclaim: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."  What's mysterious about this recital of historical events?  Notice the Ascension is not acclaimed, nor the manner of Christ's Death.  The N.O. "mystery of faith" cannot be a substitute for the Mysterium Fidei.
     Says, the "Critical Study," the "real and permanent Presence of Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the transubstantiated Species, is never alluded to.  "The very word transubstantiation is totally ignored."
     As a rationalist, Paul 6 suppressed Mysterium Fidei.  He does not believe what his reason cannot demonstrate; so transubstantiation had to go.  Rationalists deny the Incarnation; it's too deep for their pragmatic, sophisticated little minds to accept on Faith.  God the Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, did indeed take on human flesh for our sake.  The Word became Incarnate.  Christ came into His own but they received Him not, too prideful to admit that mankind needed a Personal Saviour.
     Nonetheless, Christ-God is physically present in the Holy Eucharist because He told us so; How God accomplishes this miracle is none of our business - it is the Mystery of Faith of the New and Eternal Covenant.  To deny the miracle of transubstantiation is to reject the Incarnation, the Divine Maternity, the New Testament and everything the Life of Christ means for mankind - all this wrapped up in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Continual Sacrifice, the Church's daily Prayer.
     Unless the priest does as Christ commanded, "Do this in anamnesis of Me," we have lost grace once again.  We stand to lose all that Christ purchased for man at so high a price.  Without the action of the "anamnesis", the TRANSUBSTANTIATION, man has allowed to slip through his fingers the Pearl of Great Price.  Are Catholics unmindful that we Apostolic Catholics are the only ones in the whole world who have the transubstantiation, the Real Presence of Christ - but only in the Sacrifice of the Mass, the Prayer of the Church?  Have Catholics forgotten why Christ ordained His Apostolic priests?  Have Apostolic priests forgotten the Great Miracle they were ordained to bring about upon the Altar of God?  Forgotten HOW it is to be accomplished?  O priests of God, awaken from your V-2 slumber.
     Communion - By the "communion time" the little sheep are foolishly accepting the president's expectation of the eschatological events that are not to occur until after the end of time for those who gain Heaven, forgetful of the Real Presence.  The people are given unchanged bread, told this is the "body of Christ", to which they respond "Amen."  Isn't that a fright?
     At the "consecration," the N.O. settles for the expectation of Christ's Second Coming at the end of time, in place of His REAL PRESENCE NOW.  At the "communion" they settle for the hope of a future banquet in Heaven, in place of the WHOLE CHRIST, BODY and BLOOD, SOUL and DIVINITY of our Redeemer, NOW.  "Happy are those who are called to his supper," a corruption of a text of the Apocalypse.
     Such is the New Ordo of Paul 6 replacing the Prayer of the Church.  All the many N.O. omissions, falsifications, charges, eliminations, impiety, profanity only serve to emphasize how outrageously the entirety of dogma professed in the Sacrifice of the Mars is repudiated.
     Despite Paul 6 and the V-2 Council, there can never be a replacement or substitute for the Church's daily Prayer.  To suppress and replace this Propitiatory Sacrifice is clearly unlawful, beyond the legitimate power of Council and Pope.  This is why we of VERITAS from the start flatly maintained that the New Ordo of Paul 6 IS INVALID; the imposing of it upon the faithful, ILLEGAL.  In fact, Paul 6 has told all of us this in every single way possible, mainly by eliminating the sacrificial aspects of the Mass: dropping the 6 marks of a true Sacrifice: channeling off internal devotion; offering the labor of man's hands as the bread of life, thus changing the very nature of the sacrifice and frustrating the ends and fruits for which a Mass is Offered; suppressing the Immolation of the Host and substituting the offering by the people of foods or money for the poor and the Church.  Paul 6, an unbeliever, raises himself to the highest authority in place of God; the people submit to his wishes instead of to God; Paul 6 has replaced Divine Sacrifice with human sacrifice, thus showing defiance toward God and a desire to be independent of Him - all insults that empty the liturgy of praise and glory to God, and therefore, the N.O. is not only DISPLEASING TO GOD and unacceptable but begs a dire punishment from God upon mankind instead of graces and blessings.  The very purification of vital things has been suppressed by Paul 6: the prescribed external ceremonies of the priest's fingers in the chalice, preservation from all profane contact of the priest's fingers, lack of purification of vessels, no more use of the pall that protected the Chalice, no more internal gilding of Sacred Vessels - all eliminated.
     Paul 6, the jealous Jew, envious that God gave to the Gentiles an Altar, a Sacrifice, a priesthood and Himself, while the accursed Jew is bereft of these - has taken away from we Catholics the Sacrifice of the Mass and replaced it with his Luciferian Masonic New Ordo.  Does he have to clout priests and laity over the head before they understand the hostility in this man Montini toward the Faith of Christ and His Sacrifice?
     Fortunately, the Church has QUO PRIMUM, forbidding each and all the changes of the New Ordo; and really, this means an end to arguments as to the N.O.'s INVALIDITY, for that is settled beyond dispute.  Our purpose is to show HOW DIABOLIC IS THE NEW ORDO - AS INDEED PAUL 6 INTENDS IT TO BE - and to appeal to Catholics to come to the aid of Christ's Church in Her HOUR of great need.
     Paul 6 splits his sides laughing at the incredulous, perverse things he is able to make the sheep and the shepherds of God believe, do and speak, all in opposition to what Christ taught and commanded His priests to PERPETUATE IN HIS NAME.  When will Catholics realize that the man who stole and profanes the Holy Chair is having a merry-ball at the expense of their souls.
     DEAR CATHOLICS - .... AWAKEN.... The hour is very late and insults to God multiply hourly.  DO YOU not care that God's Church IS NO LONGER AT PRAYER - not care that you are missing out on the ABUNDANT GRACES poured out to you when the Church is at Prayer?  Do you not know that when THERE IS NO SACRIFICE, THE FRUITS and ENDS OF THE MASS ARE NOT DISPENSED???  SLUMBER NO LONGER.  You are needed IN THE WAR AGAINST THE ENEMIES OF CHRIST.  Keep the battle cry always in mind: "THE NEW ORDO MUST DIE!!!"  "V-2 MUST DIE!!!"
      Remember it is because of the N.O. and V-2 that GOD'S CHURCH IS NO LONGER AT PRAYER.  The extraordinary work of Church Militant today is to RESTORE THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS.  LET US BE ABOUT THIS HOLY WORK!!!