"It is natural to mankind to make sacrificial offerings to the Omnipotent God.  Man is incited to do so by a natural instinct without any express command or special injunction," says St. Thomas Aquinas.

Not only is this instinctive desire to offer sacrifice found in all men (up to the time of the "Reformation"), but the desire is satisfied only when the Sacrifice is offered to the Deity: firstly, as an outward manifestation of out Worship, praise, honor, veneration and highest esteem for and to Him: and secondly, with the object of attaining Communion with Him for Supplication and Thanksgiving.  The third reason unfolds with the purpose we have in seeking and attaining this attention, this Communion, this gratification.

As Catholics, we know the missing purpose in this definition is: REPARATION FOR OUR SINS.

As to the Sacrificial Offering itself: strictly speaking, this Offering does not become a Sacrifice until a real change has been effected in the visible gift, e.g., by slaying the Victim, by the shedding of the Victim's Blood, by burning it, or pouring it out.

THREE SYSTEMS: The 3 dominant sacrificial systems of history are that of:
1) The pagan nations: and most especially those of the revealed religions of:
2) Judaism which was a preparation and a figure of:
3) The Promised Messianic Sacrifice of Christianity as Offered by the Lamb of God.

If you may say: "Stop - you have not mentioned the sacrifices of certain others" - the answer is: "pure Buddhism, Mohammedanism, and Protestantism HAVE NO REAL SACRIFICE, and so we can only call them to attention except for their lack of true and real Sacrifice, which ought make Protestants, at least, blush for shame.  Instead, a Protestant woman told one of us the other day that she did not care about the arguments going on today over the Mass as she did not want a man to offer up prayers for her.  She did not wail to hear that it is Christ Himself Who Offers up His Prayer for us.  Apart from these there is and has been no developed religion which has not accepted sacrifice as an essential portion of its cult (Catholic reference 1910).

REVERSING THE OBJECT TO BE ADORED: The ancient Indians were perceptive of sacrifice to the point of coining this proverb: "Sacrifice is the naval of the world." Yet, they had neither humility nor submission to their deity.  They were much as the 1962-65 Robber Council and its N. O. switches the positions of God today and "little by little" ingrains this idea into the minds of its adherents and victims.  Thus, with the pagans, their gods sank to the level of mere servant of man: while man rose to the dignity one expects in the Divine.  When we read what the Council puts out as "prayers" these days, they are insults and challenges to the Divine.  As to the dignity of its followers, it is not apparent.  Also we read this "humanistic" poison every week in the mod, humanistic speeches of JP2, including re-runs of his deceased predecessor, Paul 6, printed in various V-2 supported papers which travel under the purloined title of "Catholic papers".

What Satan sold to the ancient pagans as worship he continues to market today via V-2 - he has not changed!!! Lucifer is not selling something new nor is he "up-dating" as John 23 liked to say.  The enemy has nothing new to sell.  The enemy is foisting off all his old junk via recycle.

For example, V-2ers are prone to speak of the "soul of the world" in their effort to solidify the "community spirit" or "solidarity of all humans", into a circle where a Deity is spoken of, yet closed out.

It was St. Augustine who nixed this "soul of the world" professed by Plato, called "heart of the world" by JP2 in May '89 to the "Religious" of Madagascar.  If the world did have a soul or a heart, St. Augustine asks: "Where is the body?" and "Whose body would it be?" Our intelligence or even lack of intelligence, he says, tells us that such ideas are "impious, and therefore, irreligious consequences follow".  Sure, enough, at Madagascar, JP2 ventured to push V-2 fiction as if it were part of the "Bible".  JP2 cleverly held out worldly images to these people, replacing their fears with the errors of V-2.  Even as St Augustine asked of the pagans with their secret doctrines and physical interpretations, we ask of JP2 and his V-2: "What need is there to distinguish so carefully the civil from the natural?" What's all this "bonding", this solidarity to the civil which is chiefly occupied with what is corporeal and carnal?? To the unsuspecting Catholic youth of this East Africa section that has been Catholic since about 1900 and was given a native Bishop in 1936, JP2 sent out his call.  After patronizing the youth, he said: "Jesus Christ your elder brother calls the human family to unity...  Your baptism has bonded you to Christ to enter the community of the Church and to help your brothers and sisters..." JP2 had much to say.  He continued: "Open the Gospel together; seek what Christ and the Church are telling you to do for your peers, to react positively against the laissez- faire attitudes (free enterprise system) or individualism which thwart society. (!!!) "Your personality will not be mature unless you overcome the individualism which makes you avoid others.  Dialogue is the source of wisdom.  Sharing is the source of wealth.  It is in the communities of school, work, leisure, village or neighborhood that each person finds his true human dimension.  If you give your heart to your companions, you will be like brothers and sisters going into the forest together." (!!!)

What happened to giving our hearts to Mary and through her Immaculate Heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? "Going into the forest" sounds like the scenario of "Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf," a Grimm's fairy tale, except this is for real.  Maybe it's an advance advertisement for Pepsi-Cola? As they have some real lu-lu's.  Or even Mello-Yello? But, to palm off as the Gospel of Christ? HOW BASE.

The dishonorable intentions of this pernicious fiend are obvious.  As St. Augustine, we ask: "What would a wise man think of JP2's theology whereas the King of Kings is given no higher status than any other man or "Brother".  While strange doors, odd paths, and a pointless compass for living life are laid on all the children in place of: "the Door, the Way, the Truth, the Light", these fundamentals every man needs to take into account for his last end?

Like the pagans, JP2 reverses the object to be adored: he teaches the children to break their hearts for each other, not for God: to lay their hearts on the altars of humanity, not a CONTRITE HEART LAID AT THE ALTAR OF GOD.

As to Plato, his debate was engaged in finding an honest answer, not in introducing errors.  To assuage, to alleviate this longing to give sacrifice became a holy quest.  He had deduced that the proper answer to man's longing for happiness would be found in offering sacrifice to God.  Solely by reason, Plato came to know God did not need sacrifice.  It was man who was in need of giving this to God; man needed to give His Creator sacrifice for four fulfilling reasons.  The problem to the pagans such as Plato was: do all spirits desire sacrifice, the good angels and bad? Or were these also pleased to see man offer sacrifice to God only?

LATRIA versus DULIA: Today we would call this debate, a matter of LATRIA over DULIA.

Divine adoration or latria is worship given to God alone.  It is the highest type of religious reverence.  This reverence we pay to the saints and angels is called DULIA.  And the chief act of latria or THE ACT OF SACRIFICE is never performed to express dulia, but only to express latria: SACRIFICE IS OFFERED TO GOD ALONE.  (Note: To Mary, the Mother of God, is offered a reverence which is higher than dulia and is called HYPERDULIA.  It is superior to dulia, it is never latria.)


Worshipping false gods never uplifted people, but on the contrary has led to degenerated morals.  Any claims of paganism to the name of "religious influence in either public or private life" adds up to a minus zero.  Paganism does not go upward, only downward.  No progress there.

Perhaps it drew devotees due to the mythical stories of perversions and scandals among the various gods or of the sadistic "mysteries of nature" which kept the "country folk" coming back.  The variety was endless: nature worship, polytheism, astral, solar, totemism, animism were all bit attractions.  JP2 is an admirer of animism, or animal worship as camera shots noted some years ago.  Animists believe in witchcraft and see trees, stones, and other natural objects as having souls.  These pagans become involved in the fetish of ancestor-worship, whose dead were now considered spirits able to enter any piece of matter or body they might wish!!! This in turn led to animal worship, including Charlie's 1986 affair with the African snakes. Animists were big wheels at the October 1986 Assisi Sacrilege.

Such pagan horrors JP2 accepts as diverse "cultures" that Catholicism is coaxed to accept as "ethnic" must be palmed off as "we are to love our neighbor" and therefore, in justice, we must accept this Pagan culture as or a par with the Revealed Religion!!! WHAT LIES!!!

In our research into animism, we were surprised to read that atheistic type of historians who believed in evolution considered it natural for those who lived near nature to attribute souls to inanimate things of nature.  These went so far as to trace religion itself to this nonsense.  For 300 years, this silly theory lived via an Ed Taylor and an Andrew Lang and on to the days of our old enemy Herbert Spencer, whose thoughts dominated the late Robert Weld of JBS fame.  It is also accepted in the study of PHENOMENOLOGY, so beloved by JP2, the man who quotes V-2 as his touch-stone!!! What goes around comes around.

PAGANISM LEADS TO FALSE IDEAS: We have noted that the ancient pagan indians, even though they sought to offer sacrifice to a god, actually reversed the object to be adored.  Now we see this same error has popped us in Paul 6's New Order of saying "the Mass".  Paul 6 and before him, John 23 said the changed Mass would help the people understand the Mass better.  But in fact, the two men have caused "the continual sacrifice" to be taken away as complained of by Christ in Matt. 24, where He Himself tells us to read of the "desolation" to come foretold by Daniel, who covers the "taking away of the CONTINUAL SACRIFICE" in great detail.  Since Christ spoke of this it has to be TRUE.

PAGANISM LEADS TO WORSHIP OF NATURE: After noting that the pagan mistake of "reversing the object to be adored" has been re-introduced by the Robber Council of 1962- 65 and its leaders in our own age under the guise of religion, we begin to note other pagan practices returning.

Have you been to any V-2 funerals? The dead die and are forgotten as flowers; from nature back to nature.  No hope held out for either Eternal] Life; or the opposite in the death of deaths - ETERNAL DAMNATION.

There may be balloons and a jolly ring of rising to something or another, a hint of "cosmo".  The "healing" of the bereaved is paramount.  Like paganism, there is no moral or spiritual flavor.  Poetry and austerity, a fatalism has crept in and finally skepticism.  Sometimes a gorgeous looking ritual returns - PANTHEISM.  The individual soul has been swallowed up in a new naturalistic community.

Paganism introduced other mistakes which is seen acted out by V-2 and its False Mass today.  As pagans began to make sacrifices of a horse to their idol they changed the role of the horse to an "effective" sacrifice as effective as the idol itself until even rice and barley became spiritually effective.

PAGANISM LEADS FINALLY TO MAN WORSHIPPING MAN: To Hinduism with its numberless sects, goes the blame for the unwholesome worshipping of the reproductive organ of man himself.  Strangely, it is the seed vessel held as the interest, not where the human seed is naturally destined!!!

While it would not be a bad idea to consider the importance of the seed of life, in paganism, godless cults, secret societies, meant to worship Lucifer, interest in the seed of life takes over as an evil practice, a fetishism carried on in extreme and superstitious ways as seen in the Cabala and forms of Freemasonry.  The Hindus had their idol, Shiva or Siva which means the phallus and was a triad of gods from Hindu mythology, a symbolic of both death and reproduction.  Phallicism representations show a grotesque idol with four hands, and three eyes, garlanded with skulls, and armed with weapons of destruction.  Sometimes he is shown dancing on a prostrate body, and often too, in contemplation.  We mention this neurotic worship of the reproductive organ especially because of JP2 's fetishism with immoral lustful human sexuality preachments to so many youth groups.

Even as JP2 asks of all today and Paul 666 advised before him: "We must read the V-2 DOCUMENTS" and sure enough, as Cardinal Ottaviani complained the V-2 DOCUMENTS NO LONGER HELD TO THE DIVINE COMMAND OF THE PRIMARY END OF MARRIAGE AS THE BEGETTING OF CHILDREN, but to use sex for fun fun fun human sexuality!!! All of a sudden Lucifer has invested some rules regarding sex into the V-2 Rules Book.  We used to think that Catholics on the whole were unaware of this turn of events.  Now we think they know and think to quietly go along.  Quietly???

CAUSE OF THE SEX REVOLT: Changing the purpose for MATRIMONY caused the sexual Revolution.  By over-throwing the established doctrine commanded by the Divine Authority, Paul 6 via his beast-like Council turned away from God, revealing himself as a seed of Lucifer, warned of God the Father in Genesis (3:15).

To Cardinal Ottaviani goes the credit when, in exasperated unbelief, he drew everyone's attention to the new V-2 proposed definition of marriage which left out reproduction as the primary reason for Marriage as also the expectations of its end- CHILDREN!!! In other words:"increase and multiply" in Gen. 1:28 was under attack.  Paul 6 was attacking every truly Catholic family who had ever obeyed God and had large families; including Alfredo's who was himself the 11th of 12 children.  All people who had placed their trust in Divine Providence.

At one point, Cardinal Ottaviani signed what he thought was the final document, patterned after St. Augustine's summation of Marriage; only to be foiled by Paul 6's crafty maneuvering, naming the signed paper a mere trial balloon, "a draft" but the real document was not out yet.

When the document finally came, it read the same evil way Cardinal Ottaviani had criticized in the first place.

Protestants such as Dr. Robert McAfee Brown were thrilled.  Brown who had contributed an essay on this document did not hide the fact that V 2 had now changed the Catholic Church's Teachings "that the procreation of and education of children are the primary ends of marriage."

Brown called the change "an advance"- thanking Suenens and Leger (Canada) "and such men" for seeing to it that "conjugal love" now took top priority. Explained Brown, in his response in Abbott's book on the documents: "As to artificial birth control, this section is deliberately ambiguous.  In spite of a few reiterations of "traditional" teachings which will give pessimists an inclination to read it exclusively in such terms, the discussion is not closed.  The Council deliberately left the matter open and thus achieved a modest victory."

Continued Brown: "The crucial "footnote 14 (173) of the chapter on "Marriage" not only cites the traditional teaching of Pope Pius XI in his "Casti Connubii", but also cites Paul 6's speech to the Papal Commission on birth control, noting that a fresh examination of the problem is called for." Brown added that he could not underscore too strongly that the matter needs resolution, since others besides Roman Catholics are affected, for whom the denial of birth control information constitutes a moral as well as a social problem. !!! So said the Protestant Commentator at the 1962-65 illegal Council.  (Canon Law 2332)


THAT HE HAD ALREADY MODIFIED THEM BY CHANGING THE PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE FROM PROCREATION and EDUCATION OF CHILDREN, TO HUMAN sexuality as priority - he left unsaid.  People were already being told in the confessionals as early as 1963 that "the Pope was going to let up on birth control means." We know this from particular admissions of priests at that time who felt that a change was coming.



Once man began his attack upon God's Laws and began to think of population growth via his own world population standard as opposed to God the Father's command and method of counting we were all in big trouble.  God said: "increase and multiply" be as numerous as the grains of sand.  If He had wanted children by some other means He would have so supplied.

Paul 6 challenged God.  Now what?

SACRIFICE OLD AS THE WORLD: Even the Sacred Council of Trent states: "it is natural to man to desire to give visible sacrifice".  As many note, the nature of man is the same as today as when formed by our Omnipotent Creator.  Whether the four Conciliar pseudo-"popes" believe it or not, the desire to offer sacrifice to God is natural, for in doing this act, man finds the happiness he seeks - "beatitude" as expressed by St. Thomas.

For all the chatter in regards "unity" put forth by the exponents of V-2ism, only "beatitude" will ever achieve true unity.  Man had found this at last in the Divine Sacrifice of Christ.  Unhappily, John 23 and Paul 6 did not agree. Catering to Christ's enemies, the two men went along with the idea of taking the Sacrifice away from us.

St. Thomas seems to have believed that even Adam, father of all of us, himself offered sacrifice to God!!! The reason there does not seem to be a written recording of this is easily answered.  "As the origin of sin is typified in Adam, the origin of sanctification ought not be indicated as typified by him." (Summa 2- 2-85, 1).

OBLIGATED TO OFFER SACRIFICE: The Natural Law, then obliges man to offer sacrifice to Almighty God.  Reason requires of man some sign of submission to God, and also some sign paying Him HONOR.  All over the universe, man has obeyed this inner demand to worship God by offering up a Sacrifice. (Latria)

As an official act of religion and external Divine Worship, there must be: 1- a Victim: offered up to God as a bodily thing; the Victim must be offered up: 2- by a qualified person, a duly ordained priest; 3- at a suitable place, an altar; 4- and the destruction or change of the Victim, called IMMOLATION must take place so as to express the supreme and unique dominion of God over all His creatures, and the absolute dependence of all creatures upon God.

OUR MORNING OFFERING: To Offer the Divine Sacrifice of Christ to the Father, in union with the Holy Ghost (the Divine Spirit) is a Special Act of Worship to God and therefore belongs to the VIRTUE OF RELIGION.

MAN FRUSTRATED WITHOUT THE TRUE SACRIFICE: Today we witness man deprived of offering the Sacrifice given to us by Christ Himself, Who came down from Heaven to be our Offering.

We have noted how the Protestants are the most conspicuous in frustrating this rule written in our hearts (Romans 2:14, 15).  Actually, 500 years ago they were Catholic and they had a trick played against them too, not unlike what has happened to us today.  But they did not know it was a mean trick until some number of years later when they awakened to the fact that they were no longer Catholics.  They no longer worshipped God by means of the Sacrifice He asked us to keep renewing so as to receive the graces and benefits of Calvary.  They woke up to discover they were now Protestants, protesting against Christ's Mass, along with His enemies.

So, for 500 years, although they go to a building on Sundays and they sing hymns and listen to a sermon, they PERSONIFY "THE FRUSTRATED MAN" as Msgr.  Sheen called the thwarted - they have a civil war going on inside, between their minds and souls.

CIVIL WAR INSIDE THE MINDS AND SOULS OF CATHOLICS: Due to John 23's and Paul 6's wish to give Catholics a non-sacrificial type Mass, Catholics of the 1980's and 1990's are like the Protestants and they will so remain until and unless they overthrow the cabal of robbers, the anti-Christs who have taken over in the Vatican today along with the apostate hierarchy.  Catholics will experience the pain caused by frustrating their very own nature.  We cannot continue to thwart one of Nature's basic laws, a Law our Creator place there, "written in our hearts".  This world-wide choking off of the Catholic's foremost and most common and closest contact with our Creator, Redeemer-Saviour, and Sanctifier in the RE-ENACTMENT OF CALVARY in the One and Only Acceptable Offering to the Holy Trinity.  Our hearts, our wills responded to Christ's Sacrifice because God is Good and in Him we found Felicity.  He was our BEATITUDE.  OUR TRUE HAPPINESS.

IS SACRIFICE NECESSARY?: Yes.  So then what has Paul 6 done to us? What evil has he wrought?

What Luther and Crammer were to the Revolt against Christ and His Divine Sacrifice some 500 years ago; John 23 and Paul 6 have accomplished for the enemy in our day.  The enemy learned a few new tricks, that's all.  They hit upon an illegal Council to pull off their world wide revolt for this final show of defiance against the King of Kings.  This time the very "Covenant of the Sanctuary" must be attacked in the Sistine Chapel at St. Peter's in Rome. The enemy was attempting to enter "the very veins" of the Church as Pope Pius X had warned back in 1903.  The 100 year final war that had begun in the time of Pope Pius IX was closing the gap.

We have Christ's Promise that His Church shall not fail nor will He fail His Church.  Still there are souls to be saved, individuals to be awakened from slumber, so they will be alerted to the harm - we MUST NOT FALL into Adam's Sin of PRIDE.

Of course, Adam's Sin was not of the flesh.  In his state of innocence there was no rebellion of flesh against the spirit.  St. Thomas says: the first inordinateness in the human appetite could not have been desire for material or sensible goods.  Adam desired some spiritual good beyond the reach of man.  The ordinate desire of the first man was made inordinate by the unsuitableness of a too-excellent object and the desire was thus transformed into a prideful aspiring.  Adam wanted something that belonged to God alone. ADAM AND EVE DISOBEYED GOD.  "V-2" LURES US BACK TO ORIGINAL SIN.  Paul 6 tried to teach us the same willful desire that the serpent held out to Adam: "you will be like to God." Seeing how man is made to the image of God, man is tempted therefore to extend that image into himself.  From the first sin of man (a sin of pride), today we commit it all over again.  This willful desire to have to have the divinity which belongs to God alone - here we go, under the invitation of Lucifer's seed, ready to fall into the same sin, the sin of the first man - to be as GOD.  Like Adam who wanted "knowledge of good and evil," (Gen. 3:22) so that by his own natural power and without reference of deference to God, he could know what was good or evil for him to do, and could know beforehand what good or evil would happen to him.

(We see this enacted by many today: the abortion-advocates who refuse to acknowledge God as the first Owner of our body and our actions.  Then there is the wayward youth who only obeys their own whims.)

Thus, as the first man aspired to a kind of equality with God, whereas he sinned by PRIDE, EVEN AS THE FALLEN ANGELS had sinned by PRIDE, Paul 6 by his prideful Council and his prideful "Liturgy of the Word" lured man to return to the FIRST SIN, to the PLACE OF THE VOMIT.  THE CIRCLE COMING AROUND AGAIN.

HAS NOT MANKIND LEARNED ANYTHING HELPFUL FROM THE PUNISHMENT OF THE SIN OF ADAM? If a person, because of a fault, is deprived of what was bestowed on him as a favor, the deprivation is a PUNISHMENT for the fault.  Now, the perfect subjection of man's lower powers to reason was a great favor bestowed on man.  Out of His perfect subjection of body to spirit came soundness of health and perfection of bodily function, and the supervening gift of bodily immortality was assured.  But when man sinned, the great favor mentioned was withdrawn (indeed, man's sin rejected the favor), and it was withdrawn in punishment for the sin.  The withdrawal of the favor meant that he would die.  Therefore, death is manifestly in punishment for Adam's sin.  Says St. Paul (Rom. 5:12): "By one man sin entered the world, and by sin, death."

OTHER PUNISHMENTS: Today, man thinks there is no punishment for anything.  In fact, when punishment comes, it seems to be meted out to the victim rather than the guilty.  The higher up in the social sphere the less likely is the guilty punished.  If he has created a scandal the others have him murdered so he won't have to stand trail and unmask the others.  But God does not work like that.  HOLY SCRIPTURE RECOUNTS other punishments for Adam's sin: expulsion of our first parents from Paradise; fatiguing toil; pains of child birth; reluctance of the earth to yield fruits, etc.  And now we come to the outcome of God's punishments.  Recall how our parents used to tell us that they were doing such and such a punishment "for your own good?" Well, St. Thomas says the same in regards all these punishments that came upon mankind because of the Sin of Adam.  They have turned out to be "blessings" for fallen man.  WHY??? Because once fallen, man would have found Paradise and life as it was before Adam's sin so delightful that he would no longer have had thought or time for God!!! Fallen man cannot stand a diet of Paradise.  Were it not for the hardships and punishments we must bear in consequence of Adam's sin, we should all inevitably go to Hell!!! Herein appear the Infinite Love and Mercy of God: when He strikes us in punishment, while we are wayfarers, His blow turns into the caress of Blessing.

THE TEMPTATION OF ADAM: Man, cowered with free will, HAD TO EXERCISE THAT FREE WILL IN CHOOSING OR REJECTING GOD.  Had there been no trial, no temptation, man would have had a kind of mechanical progress from Paradise to Heaven, and the greatest of His Gifts, the gift that makes man most like to God in his being (that is free will) would have been a vain and unused gift.  Free human nature had to have a chance to choose freely and this was given in the temptation.  There was no need for Adam to succumb to the temptation.  He had a perfect human nature, and he had SUPERNATURAL GRACE and SUPERNATURAL GIFTS.  No creature could harm him or force his choice, against his will.  That Adam sinned, that he chose to abuse freedom instead of using it, was his own fault.

The manner and order of the first man's temptation were entirely suitable.  The temptation was rounded and complete.  It appealed to the intellect and will: the appeal was made through the senses: into the whole event of the temptation there entered one of the man's own species, the woman; one thing of the animal order, the serpent; and one thing of the vegetable order, the tree with it's fruit.

THE TEMPTATION OF THE LAST AGE: MAN'S LAST SIN: The last sin of Man is being enacted.  Now before our eyes.  Man intends to become DIVINE.  Like Adam, today's man desires what belongs to God alone.  Nevertheless, Man's Goal is to "GO FOR IT."