A Look at the Experimental Tags/Elements and Attributes

Through most of 1992 and into the beginnings of 1993 there was a considerable amount of speculation as to how the web was to advance from that version as seen since January of 1991. During this time even the key architects of HTML were tossing out ideas of various sorts of elements, attributes, as well as looking into trying to find a way to define the HTML "language" in terms of a parsing model, which soon settled on using an SGML base. Most of the tags described here saw absolutely no deployment into the World Wide Web, though as one will see, some few did serve as prototypes of later elements and attributes that would emerge, and some few may one day emerge more or less as given here. The tags described here are mentioned in the various files cited and shown in the future HTML directions file. Such discussions and speculations even continued well into 1993 and 1994 with some further suggestions and proposals being mentioned in the second release of HTML 1 (what I here call "HTML 1.m"). After HTML2.0 these sorts of proposals and discussions and proposed elements and attributes would be gathered up into the versions of HTML+ and then finally with the draft of HTML 3.0.


The only "Lost tag" introduced during this phase that actually came to be deployed to any extent is the <HEADER> tag, which is exactly replaced with its lasting successor <HEAD> in all future versions. This could almost border on the level of a proprietary tag, since it seems to have belonged to the NeXT editor alone, but since it is the earliest, and since so many W3C archive files from this period bear this unusual tag, I have included it in my successive listings, something not done for any of the other tags described herein. This <HEADER> element and <HPn> are the only conventionally mentioned elements I have listed whose disappearence was so long ago that they show up on no surviving DTD. These tags therefore have the distinction of being the very first truly Lost Tags. Though <OL> disappeared earlier, its subsequent return, complete with even the same form fit and function, removes it from the category of Lost Tags.


This is the only other experimental tag from this period to actually find use in any files, though in this case it is only a tiny handful of files, all generated by Dan Connolly shortly after its permanent replacement element <PRE> already began to come into use. And that is exactly what <TYPEWRITER> is, merely an early and experimental version of <PRE>.


In the earliest surviving draft of a DTD for HTML, it appears that before calling the main contents of an HTML file the <BODY>, they wanted to call it <DOCUMENT> instead. And they had not as yet bothered to name the <HEAD> of the document, specifically. This tag appears only in that draft DTD of HTML (which I have chosen to call "HTML 0.f") and which is to be found demonstrated in its fullness here.

<BODY NOTATION="<<something>>">

Carl Barker (another CERN member) was looking for some new features in the HTML protocol, and one idea of his mentioned was the ability to put an HTML header on some other non-HTML file data. In a sense, <PLAINTEXT> already did this with the ability to put straight ASCII text after it, but with a new NOTATION attribute of <BODY> one might be able to put other non-HTML things after the <BODY> tag. The following is found in that file: <BODY NOTATION=postscript>. So one could imagine a postscript file with an HTML header. Or picture the same used for including the old UNIX troff commands (this would have made it easy to move old UNIX manuals to HTML), by means of something like this:

<TITLE<Thank-you Note</TITLE>
.ll 4.0i
.in 2.0i
101 Main Street
Morristown, NJ  07960
15 March, 1997
.sp 1i
.in 0
Dear Sir,

.ti 0.25i
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for spending the
time to give me a tour of your facilities. I found the experience
both educational and enjoyable. I hope that we can work together
to produce a product we can sell.

Although having to do that for the whole body seems a bit excessive, it might have been a potentially useful thing for small portions of a document, say a <DIV> or <SPAN> section or suchlike.


One could easily see what use something like a <KEYWORDS> tag might have for containing search keywords for a page. Perhaps it would have looked like this:


Something of this very sort finally did emerge with HTML 2.0 in the form of the following:


As has occured however, too many web pages were abusing this sort of field by raising their importance by such things as repeating a term many times, etc. so search engines by and large have abandoned reference to this field. A pity.

<DATE CREATED="<<something>>" EXPIRES="<<something>>">

This was intended to provide a way to date the document, and also to specify when its information is expected to be out of date (so that memory caches can be cleared or stored files known to be obsolete). Like the <KEYWORDS> tag, this one came to be replaced with a <META>. As described at the time, there was no clear standard for how the date would be specified, so the example given reads as: <DATE CREATED="920630123067" EXPIRES="920706000000"> but with more contemporary dating schemes it would have looked like this:

<DATE CREATED="Tue, 30 Jun 1992 02:57:13 GMT" EXPIRES="Mon, 06 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT">

Something of this very sort finally did emerge with HTML 2.0 in the form of the following:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="created" CONTENT="Tue, 30 Jun 1992 02:57:13 GMT">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="Mon, 06 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT">


Tim Berners-Lee (and others) have long wanted to introduce some sort of <SECTION> element which would enable portions of the document to stand somewhat on their own as separated from other portions of the document. This was to be something sort of like what <DIV> does, with the one exception that it would affect the header values (<H1> through <H6>) by effectively increasing the number by one for each level of nesting within <SECTION> tags. So for example, if you had a <SECTION> within a <SECTION> and within that an <H2> element, it should be rendered like an <H4> element. Alternatively, one may simply use a plain <H> tag and let its value be set by the level of nesting within <SECTION> tags it comes within. Reports of these ideas have varied and in one place one sees a <SUBSECTION> which is probably a mistake meant to refer to a <SECTION> nested within another such <SECTION>, and in the same place a <HEADING> tag meant to refer to what was otherwise simply to be called <H>.

Unlike others elements of this experimental category, <SECTION> and <H> are finally emerging in XHTML 2.0 as actual and valid elements, and with the intent and purposes discussed here. One might illustrate its use thus (slightly adapted from the 1992 presentation):

  <H> Level 1 Header </H>
  <P>paragraph associated with above header</P>
    <H> Level 2 header </H>
    <P>paragraph associated with above header</P>

The final version of HTML+ from April 1994 attempted a similar thing using a "<DIVn>" (where "n" would be anything from 1 through 6, coinciding with the 1 through 6 of the header elements).

<NEXTID ID="<<something>>">

Tim Berners-Lee preferred to call the attribute of <NEXTID> "N" while Dan Connolly and others called it "ID." One sees this in the oldest DTD from August 1992 as a list of the tags and attributes from June 1992, and extending clear to the descriptions for future directions for HTML written November 1992. But by the first usable DTD in January 1993, "ID" had finally been changed to be "N" and "ID" is no longer seen. The need was simply to give the <NEXTID> value an attribute name so as to make it valid SGML. Before the introduction of either attribute name, the attribute present in the tag was merely the number itself.

<A content-type="<<something>>"> (and <A TYPE="<<something>>">)

Though nothing is said anywhere of any "content-type" attribute for <A>, Dan Connolly used this unknown attribute for <A> several times as an indicator of the MIME type for the file referenced (pointed to). By mistake in one place he used an attribute name of "TYPE," accidently anticipating the actual use that TYPE would come to have when reintroduced in HTML 4.01 (and 4.0), instead of the actual current intended use for TYPE which was for some relational information and which now goes as REL. The various HTML future directions files even anticipated the "REL" attribute by name in one place (before changing it to TYPE), and also the COMPACT attribute, which is seen (in a flawed form) in the August 1992 DTD.

<Emphasis>, <OopsChar>, <wordasword>, <CiteBook>, <Subscript>, <Superscript>", <Bold>, and <italic>

Before the <HPn> tags could really catch on Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly were already discussing what sort of highlighting tag elements should exist in future versions of HTML. Dan Connolly preferred the Tex logical highlighting (e. g. <EM>, <TT>, and <CITE>), all of which soon became a part of the language. A similar idea also considered would be the O'Reilly/Hal DocBook tag elements, such as <Emphasis>, <OopsChar>, <wordasword>, <CiteBook>, <Subscript>, and <Superscript>. These alternatives were not used in favor of the TeX tags, though similar tags now exist, such as <SUB> and <SUP>. As something separate from these they were also discussing what they then called "physical tags" such as <Bold>, and <italic>, etc. that would finally emerge as the far simpler and more economical <B> and <I>. Of the DocBook tags listed here, <Emphasis>, <CiteBook>, <Subscript>, and <Superscript> rather obviously now exist in HTML as <EM>, <CITE>, <SUB>, and <SUP>, respectively. <OopsChar>, and <wordasword> are DocBook tags with no equivalents in HTML and none planned. One was used for escaping the SGML DTD for DocBook for some span and the other for specifying a non-technical usage of a technical term (could effect searches, but would have no special appearence).


One other tag hinted at, but most likely a mistake, and not seen discussed in any of the HTML future directions files, was a <HEADERS> element. This is seen in the oldest surviving usable DTD when listing the elements suitable for the <BODY> of a document, where the following occurs:

<!ENTITY % bodyelement
         "P | %heading |
         %list | DL | HEADERS | ADDRESS | PRE | BLOCKQUOTE
        | %literal">

One can see here besides the usual DL, ADDRESS, PRE, BLOCKQUOTE, P, and %heading (H1 through H6) , %list (UL and etc.), and %literal (XMP and etc.), there is listed there a mysterious HEADERS element. As no further description is made of any supposed <HEADERS> element, it seems that this was merely a typographical error, perhaps redundant to the %heading entry in this list. In the first release of HTML 1 ("HTML 1.k" in my descriptions) this mistake was carried forth utterly unchanged. The second release of HTML 1 ("HTML 1.m" in my descriptions) purged this error and <HEADERS> was never seen again. Even with the DTD's that have it, it is impossible to create a document with this element that parses validly. It does no harm, has no effects, but is (by all evidences) an error.


The HTML documentation for what I call "HTML 1.m" lists the <EXPIRES> and <META> elements, not as current but as being (one) proposed and (the other) obsolete. In particular it mentions <META> as being "obsolete" even though this element is not seen in any previous version of HTML, and <EXPIRES> as being "proposed," though there is little justification for it. This seems to be a mistake. Unless there be some undocumented and unevidenced version of HTML between the first and second releases of HTML 1 (apart from the first release of HTML+ which includes neither of these elements), <META> can not possibly have been done away with. And again it is a far more general and useful tag than the <KEYWORDS>, <DATE>, and <EXPIRES> proposed tags it would replace when finally introduced in HTML 2.0. Had <EXPIRES> ever existed as a real element, it is unclear whether it would have appeared as:

<EXPIRES>Mon, 06 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT</EXPIRES>

or (assuming an attribute name of "DATE"):

<EXPIRES DATE="Mon, 06 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT">

Interestingly, one could actually reflect this ambiguity in SGML by defining this element thus:

          -- document expiration date


The HTML 1.m description mentions that some browsers were beginning to implement a <COMMENT> element for material which is to be commented out and not displayed or put to any other use in displaying or formatting a page. This is redundant to the SGML mechanism for comments which was already in place for nearly all user agents, certainly all that were SGML-based. The element is implemented in some modern browsers such as Windows Explorer, but not in certain others. The HTML 1.m documentation describes this element as obsolete, due to the SGML commenting structure meant to become universal.

Attributes DISABLED and ERROR of <INPUT>, <OPTION>, and <SELECT>

HTML 1.m includes forms exactly as they would come to exist in HTML 2.0 level 2, but a couple additional attributes were being proposed at this time (and these attributes were already being incorporated into HTML+). The document for HTML 1.m lists both for <INPUT> (along with CHECKED although that last is peacefully incorporated into the DTD), DISABLED as being proposed for <OPTION>, and ERROR as being proposed for <SELECT>. The DISABLED attribute would soon appear in HTML 4.01 (and 4.0) on <INPUT>, <OPTION>, <SELECT>, and <TEXTAREA>, and also on the new forms controls <BUTTON> and <OPTGROUP>. This would cause a field to display in a grayed out format that indicates that it cannot be selected (perhaps to show what might have been selectible had other options been previously chosen) and prevent user entry in the specified fields or groups of fields. The other proposed forms control attribute ERROR was intended to put the user agent on notice that whatever initial choice given as a default was erroneous and as such must be changed before the form can be submitted. It would have been up to the user agent to display this by some sort of means (italic text, different color, help window that pops up like a TITLE help when the cursor is placed over the field, or even only an error message of some sort that pops up only if one tries to submit the form). A similar thing can be done, for example on the typical forms radio button fields by an initial condition of no fields checked, or more than one since exactly one alone is valid. However, the downside to this is that it only forces the user to modify the contents, not to provide contents with any crude semblance of correctness, which is something that the scripting languages would soon come to do with far greater alacrity. Hence, in this case the ERROR attribute was never incorporated and need not ever be.


One proposed forms element was the <HTEXTAREA> tag which would work much like <TEXTAREA> but instead of invoking a simple "Notepad"-like text editor it would instead invoke some sort of "What You See Is What You Get" HTML editor, something sort of like an editable <IFRAME> window object allowing the user to design a small part of a web page without having to bother with the HTML, all as part of entering a form. This does not seem to have ever been implemented since it would depend upon either incorporating such an editor into any browser, or else finding a way to invoke whatever such editor (if any) a user should happen to have on his system.

Non-Existent tags (e. g. <unknown>)

The HTML future directions files also use a number of clearly fictional tags, produced merely for demonstrational purposes and not intended to exist as any actual tags (and they don't). A "<start>" tag is used to demonstrate what happens when something that looks like a tag in included in the literal text data within an <XMP> element. A closing tag of "</foo" is used to test if it would close out an <XMP> element, and another to test what would happen if a closing tag took an attribute ("</foo junk>"). An "<unknown>" tag is used to test what would happen if an unfamiliar tag is encountered (the tag should be ignored and not shown, but any content of the tag should be shown as normal text). Finally there is a demonstration to test what would happen if a tag with an impossibly long name is encountered, so there is a "<gggggreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaatbiglongnameofatagthatsreallyjustjunk>" tag included in one of the more degenerate test case files.

Recommended Implementation

Except for <SECTION> and <H> which rightly belong to XHTML 2.0, and those various elements and attributes as are presently incorporated into contemporary HTML (e. g. the LaTeX elements <EM> and the like, the <META> element, and the DISABLED attribute) there is no reason to implement any of these purely experimental and nonexistent tags/elements or attributes. Since the <COMMENT> element is implemented in certain kinds of user agents and not implemented in others, that should continue as they are today, since one of the few uses of it is to distinguish between them, for example:

<COMMENT>If you can read this you are obviously not using Windows Explorer.</COMMENT>

It would be permissible, to accomodate what few files are known to use a few of these, to implement <HEADER> to be as <HEAD>, <A content-type="<<something>>"> to be as <A TYPE="<<something>>">, <NEXTID ID="<<something>>"> to be as <NEXTID N="<<something>>"> (should a NEXTID value be of use at all), and <TYPEWRITER> to be as <PRE>, but I severely doubt this would ever happen as there is far too little justification for it. <UNKNOWN> should be a "reserved word" as far as element names go, such that for all time no element shall ever be named "UNKNOWN" in order that this may always be used for testing user agents (e. g. browsers) and parsing agents (e. g. HTML validators) to see what they will do when encountering an unfamiliar tag.

This file, "alook.html," is HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1 compliant.

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